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Our Editorial Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for the Khayal Publication

The publication is intended to be a biannual (Specifically: 30th June, 30th December) with two pre-disclosed themes each time. It will be primarily for Undergraduate students, Fresh Graduates, and all artists beyond this scope. Each issue will comprise of four blogs that will range from works in Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction and Academic works relating to the theme of that specific issue. Due to the publication being completely digital as of yet, we will also be taking in multimedia submissions. This will comprise five photographic; two art, design and illustration pieces and one short film. This adds up to eight. Our web platforms are open to being a space for new-media interventions, from showcases of interactive maps that tell stories to feminist chatbots that gauge gender precarity on the inter-web.

Submission Formatting

The academic works are to be either primary or secondary research, cited and formatted in 17th edition Chicago Style (full-notes and bibliography preferred) alongside a word limit of 1500 words. The poetry and prose section will be limited to 50 lines. For short stories, we will consider 2-4 pages of standard Chicago style formatting. The arguments made should be substantiated through citational evidence, be critical in their engagement with their subject matter, and be creative in their undertakings. 

There is to be no submission fee for this multimedia publication. We will not be taking pieces that are currently under review for other publications. It will be advised to keep the pieces accessible, as heavy jargon does not help in disseminating knowledge. All written pieces must use Times New Roman, a font size of 12pt, and double-spacing. They should be named LastName_Category_Khayal. Interested prospects should specify If the work they are submitting uses coursework.

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Creating Art and Joy Since 2020